Tuesday, November 3, 2009


By now most of our Platte Woods United Methodist Church family knows we are receiving estimates of giving for the 2010 budget. Likewise, you are probably aware the church will donate a net to Nothing But Nets for each estimate of giving received. Gifting a bed net treated with anti-malaria insecticides to a family in Africa is our church’s way of saying “thank you” for your commitment to support the church throughout 2010. Also, for each pledge card there is a basketball with the individual or family name placed on the windows overlooking the gym.

If you are not familiar with Nothing But Nets, please go to their Web site for information about the movement. The People of The United Methodist Church are prominently listed as a founding partner for this humanitarian outreach to the people of Africa. As stated on the Web site, “Simply put, malaria kills. Nets can save lives.” As of Tuesday (11-3-09), 2,891,778 nets have been distributed through Nothing But Nets in ten African countries.

How are 2010 pledges coming in? As of this afternoon (11-4-09), 215 cards are turned in with an estimate of giving totaling $889,891. Of these estimates, 25 cards indicate the givers are self-identified tithers, and 43 cards represent a step up in giving.

If you have not turned in your 2010 estimate of giving, there is still time. If you have misplaced your pledge card, or did not receive a card, please call the church office. We will be glad to see you get a card. If we match the number of pledge cards turned in for this year’s support, we still have 106 nets to give.

Thanks for your prayerful consideration of how you intend to support Platte Woods United Methodist Church in 2010!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


It is ALMOST done – the kitchen/dining hall project, that is. This morning (Wednesday, Sept. 30) the refrigerator sitting in the middle of the kitchen was moved. WOW! The full kitchen came into view. There is a lot more work space than I had previously imagined. What a wonderful facility we are going to have!

Having pointed this out, there are still a few things needing to be done before the project is finished – the ice maker needs a power cord, the refrigerators and freezers need the correct size wheels to fit in their designated places, and the vent over the stoves needs completion. We also need to unpack, wash and find a place for the new dishes and glasses. We have to find a home for all the pots, pans and cooking utensils. So, we have some work to do before the project is complete. But it is almost done!

For those who have not seen the new dining hall and kitchen, please stop by for a look after worship on Sunday. Come to a Wednesday at the Woods meal on Wednesday evenings to see the new facility in use. Or stop by during the week for a tour. I think you will be surprised, and I hope you will be pleased with this new tool for ministry.

As you have comments or questions about this project, please talk with Pastor Steve or me.

Monday, September 14, 2009


The church I attended when I was growing up had several boards with information at the front of the sanctuary. One of the boards listed the hymns we would be singing that Sunday morning. The other board listed last week’s Sunday School attendance, last week’s worship service attendance and the amount of the offering from last week. A summary of this information was included in the monthly church newsletter.

Well, here at Platte Woods Church we do not post such information. However, from time to time I get questions concerning giving and attendance. One of Pastor Steve’s goals is to increase worship attendance by 5%.

With our new Web page, we have an opportunity to provide some information about how we are doing. When you go to the new Web site, visit the Stewardship page, and then select Financial Updates. (You can go there directly by selecting this link).

What you will find is a month-end report of the church’s budget compared with the support received through the end of month. Information will be provided on where we are on paying off the church’s building debt. Also, there will be information on worship and church school attendance.

As you encounter the numbers, please remember a couple of things. First, the church has up and downs with the numbers varying from week to week. Some weeks are certainly better than other weeks. Our challenge is to do well “on average.” Second, the “average” numbers are on a calendar year. Such averaging provides an inaccurate picture some of the time. For instance, as we move into September, we know that our yearly averages are usually down as we are coming off summer vacation. Our averages should improve as we move into the fall schedule. By the end of December, our averages should be a lot different than our end-of-August averages. By the way, we have a log of weekly numbers going back to 2004. So, we look not only at our year-to-date numbers, we can also compare the averages to several previous years.

As you review the numbers and have questions or comments, please let me know. I would be glad to discuss the numbers with you.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I hope you had a time of re-creation this summer!

For our vacation Shirley and I visited our eldest son, Josh. Josh presently resides in northern Sweden, some 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Josh is working on a project documenting the Sami language. The town he lives in is Arjeplog, a community of some 2,000 people in a county of some 5,000 inhabitants. It is a beautiful community, at least in summer, surrounded by lakes and forests. And we were most graciously received by those we encountered. We experienced radical hospitality!
One of the major structures in the Arjeplog community is the church. There is only one church structure in town. It is a very interesting structure with fish scale siding on the outside and religious frescoes on the inside. (The church can be seen at http://www.webbkameror.se/webbkameror/arjeplog/arjeplog_torget.php.)

Thankfully, the Arjeplog church publishes a short history of the parish in several languages including English. The first church building was constructed in 1641, with a major addition undertaken in 1650. This first structure was torn down in 1760, and a “new” church built. In 1894 there was a major remodeling project. In 1969 the church was repainted. Those are the facts printed in the church history of the Arjeplog congregation.

When I returned to the office last Monday (8-17), I immediately went to see what progress had been made on our remodeling project. I found a great deal had been accomplished in the 10 days I had been gone. Although there is still a great deal to be done before we can begin using the space, I am told we are still on schedule to hold our Jubilee Celebration in the newly remodeled space on Sunday, September 20th.

It was while “inspecting” our remodeling project I was reminded of the Arjeplog church and that congregation’s remodeling efforts of some 115 years ago. How many more additions and/or remodelings will our congregation go through in the next 100 or so years? Hopefully – several more! What about repainting? Even as I compose this piece, our GOMAWs are repainting the hallways in our “new” addition.

Most importantly, I wonder what the nature of our congregation will be like in some 310 years? What will our church building look like after some 250 years? Will there be any memory of our remodeling project of 2009 in 115 years? The Arjeplog congregation has survived the centuries and continues to stand out in its community. So may it be said of Platte Woods UMC in the years and decades to come!

Monday, July 20, 2009


This past Sunday, July 19, donuts and coffee were served in Memorial Hall. Usually Memorial Hall is the home to the Around 30’s Sunday School Class. However, due to the kitchen and dining hall remodeling project, the Around 30’s class most graciously moved to room 151. That is where John Miller and I met with the Around 30’s folks. Needless to say, the group wanted to know how the remodeling project was coming along, as well as how long donuts and coffee would be served in Memorial Hall.

Great progress is being made with the project. Walls have come down. Holes have been punched in walls. Ceilings have come down. Floor coverings have been removed.

However, as the old saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” As reconstruction begins, access to the basement is very limited. Our contractor, ZIPCO INC., has asked that the dining hall area be made off off-limits for the next four to six weeks. Thus, you will encounter construction signs and detour signs. Doughnuts and coffee will be served in Memorial Hall. And the Around 30’s class has graciously accepted the challenge of meeting in room 151.

Great progress is being made with the project. This morning (Monday, July 20) sheetrock was delivered as most of the wall and ceiling framing has been completed. I believe sheetrock installation will begin by midweek. At the moment there is no water in most of the older part of our church as plumbing is being rerouted. The Vision Committee is in the process of securing kitchen equipment. We are scheduled to complete the project by September 20 so we can celebrate our Golden Jubilee in the new dining hall.

If you have any questions about the remodeling project, please let me know.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The bids are in and have been reviewed, and we are pleased to announce that ZIPCO, Inc., will be our contractor to coordinate the remodeling work on our kitchen and dining hall project. We will be allowing ZIPCO access to the kitchen for initial work beginning May 26. Following TRASH AND TREASURE, we will turn the whole area over to the contractor with anticipation of project completion by the end of August. During construction the contractor will be using one-third of the parking lot outside the kitchen for a staging area. From time to time there may well be some disruptions to our normal way of doing things as construction progresses. For instance, we will probably have to host Sunday morning coffee and donuts in the gym. We may encounter other inconveniences from time to time this summer, but when it is all completed, we hope everyone will be pleased with the outcome.

Another piece of good news is we will be able to undertake the full scope of our project, which includes renovation of the kitchen and dining hall, as well as the addition of a café area in what is now the childcare area. The funds contributed toward the project will cover the construction costs, kitchen equipment, contingencies, architect fees and project manager fees. We might even have a small surplus when the project is finished.

So a big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the kitchen – dining hall remodeling project.

It is an exciting time at Platte Woods Church! On several church building projects I have seen posted the slogan – COME WATCH US GROW. So goes our Platte Woods Church!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This past Sunday, May 10, John Miller, Church Council Chair, and I met with the Seekers Sunday School Class. One of the questions asked was about the growth of our congregation. In answer to that question, I find the following interesting:

Traditionally, church growth has been measured by an increase in membership. Platt Woods Church’s membership:

2007 -- 2,596 members
2008 -- 2,633 members

Before coming to Platte Woods Church, part of my job as Treasurer of The Missouri Conference was gathering statistical information for all of Missouri’s United Methodist congregations. I would then try to analyze the information. Over the 19 years I performed this task, I came to the conclusion that growing churches can be identified by several measures. Certainly membership is one of the measures. More importantly, I came to the conclusion that participation was as important a measurement as membership. Consider the following average attendance statistics:

Sunday School average attendance.................309
Ongoing classes and learning groups................28
Short term classes and learning groups.............12
Youth (7 – 12th grade) in all other groups.......214
Worship average attendance...........................797

Sunday School average attendance..................386
Ongoing classes and learning groups.................50
Short term classes and learning groups..............61
Youth (7 – 12th grade) in all other groups........225
Worship average attendance............................818

So far in 2009, we are averaging 878 persons in worship.

Financial support is perhaps another measure of the vitality of a congregation. Through this past Sunday (18 weeks) we are $53,518 ahead of last year’s (2008) giving. This support does not include giving for kitchen and dining hall remodeling or other capital gifts.

Are we a growing church? The statistics would indicate we are. However, perhaps the real question has to do with how we as a church and as individuals are reaching out in our community to share the love of God in Jesus Christ. Perhaps the real question has to do with how each of us is growing in our faith development. If we are growing as individuals and if we are sharing God’s love in our sphere of influence, we will be a growing community of faith.

Thanks to the Seekers Class for asking the question.